
Hole-y Fruitcakes!

We’ve scientifically discovered fruitcakes baked with holes in the middle truly taste better. That’s not just our opinion. It’s a baking fact we can back up.

Regular Deluxe Fruitcake

Fruitcake Hate is Fake—We Can Prove It

We’re convinced fruitcake hate is fake and we have some pretty solid stats to back us up. Check out our latest video detailing some delicious fruitcake facts to see for yourself.

DeLuxe® Fruitcake Unboxing

DeLuxe® Fruitcake Unboxing

Have you ever wondered what all comes in your DeLuxe® Fruitcake box? Find out in our first-ever unboxing video. From recipes to little slices of history, there’s more than just cake in every tin!

How Long is Fruitcake Good For?

How Long is Fruitcake Good For?

Like other foods, fruitcake has a shelf life. But, because of its ingredients and how it's prepared, fruitcake can last pretty long. Longer than you may think. Read our blog to discover more about ...

The Daytripper Visits Collin Street Bakery

The Daytripper Visits Collin Street Bakery

Chet Garner figures himself to be a bonafide TEX-PLORER. Nicknamed the Daytripper, Chet travels all across the Lone Star State visiting iconic landmarks. So, it was only a matter of time before he ...

First-Ever Shiner Fruitcake Beer Just Launched

First-Ever Shiner Fruitcake Beer Just Launched

Shiner Beer and Collin Street Bakery have collaborated to create the first-ever Fruitcake Pasty Porter --a limited edition beer from Shiner’s Brewer’s Pride series! Click inside to learn where you...